Book Time With Us

If you’d like to book time with one of our technical sales team for an online demo, discussion about a particular product, or just a quick chat then please choose from the options below to select your contact and chosen date/time:

You are of course welcome to email our technical team via [email protected] or telephone +44 (0)1638 781709 ([email protected] and 502-593-0726 for USA)  to speak with someone directly.

Dr Kerry Elgie:  Covers the north of the UK upwards from Nottingham, Scotland and Ireland. Most of Europe, except Greece/Sweden/Switzerland/Eastern Europe.  Other countries include Australia, New Zealand, India, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Dubai.

Book an online demo - with Dr Kerry Elgie

Dr Arran Solomonsz: Covers the Midlands, South of England and London in the UK, and then Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Israel, Japan, Greece and Hong Kong worldwide.

Book an online demo with Dr Arran SolomonszRob Maddox:  Based in the San Francisco Bay area, Rob brings a wealth of experience to assist our customers in the USA and Canada.  Please contact the US branch (Asynt Inc.- details at the top of this page) directly to arrange a demo or a call.

Contact Asynt Inc (Asynt USA branch) and Rob Maddox via email to

If you’re unsure where to direct your enquiry you are very welcome to arrange a meeting with any of the technical team featured above, or contact us directly.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!