John S Fossey Memorial Symposium

Date: March 29, 2023 - March 30, 2023

John S Fossey memorial symposium 2023

A celebration of Organic Synthesis, Catalysis, Supramolecular Chemistry and Molecular Sensing

The meeting is being held to commemorate the passing of Professor John S. Fossey and will see leading scientists from across the globe come together to celebrate the areas of science that he was most passionate about.

For those unfamiliar with Professor Fossey, he was a professor of synthetic chemistry at the University of Birmingham (UK), and a visiting professor at Henan Normal University and guest professor at East China University of Science and Technology, both in China.
His research looked at synthetic chemistry to develop new therapies for tuberculosis and diabetes. This work on diabetes involves an alternative drug delivery for type 1 diabetes management. This research is in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences research institute Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedical Health (GIBH)., to develop new drugs that could help tackle global epidemics. Specifically, Professor Fossey’s team was developing a ‘smart insulin’, a gel that dissolves in the presence of glucose, as an alternative to insulin injection. The idea is that the smart insulin, as a smart drug delivery, can be administered perhaps once a week and will deliver insulin as and only when glucose levels are raised.

List of confirmed speakers

Keynote Lectures

  • Professor Eric V. Anslyn, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Professor Shu Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo

Invited Lectures

  • Professor Shu-Li You, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
  • Professor Carmen Galan, The University of Bristol
  • Dr Ai-Lan Lee, Heriot Watt University
  • Professor Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Trinity College Dublin
  • Professor Steven Bull, The University of Bath
  • Dr William Brittain, Durham University
  • Dr Ben Buckley, Loughborough University
  • Dr Steve Butler, Loughborough University
  • Dr Paul Davies, The University of Birmingham
  • Dr Rob Elmes, The University of Maynooth
  • Dr Richard Grainger, The University of Birmingham
  • Professor Jennifer Hiscock, The University of Kent
  • Dr Andrew Leach, The University of Manchester
  • Professor Akira Matsumoto, The University of Tokyo
  • Professor Tsuyoshi Minami, The University of Tokyo
  • Professor Tomoki Nishimura, The University of Shinshu
  • Professor Sofia Pascu, The University of Bath
  • Dr Daniel Payne, The Open University / NIMS
  • Dr Anna Peacock, The University of Birmingham
  • Professor Kazuo Sakurai, The University of Kitakyushu

You can all the details on how to attend via the event website HERE.

We’ll be at the John S Fossey Memorial Symposium with a variety of lab equipment on display

Dr Arran Solomonsz will be representing Asynt at this memorial event and will have a wide array of our catalogue of laboratory apparatus available for you to examine up close!  Whether you’re interested in swapping out the mess and hazards of working with oil baths for the safe, clean, DrySyn platform or fazing out flood risks by ditching your Leibig condenser for CondenSyn – for reflux and distillation – Arran can answer all your questions.

If photochemistry is your preferred area of interest you might like a closer look at the LightSyn Illumin8 parallel photochemical reactor.  As you may suspect from the name, this handy benchtop system enables users to carry out as many as 8 parallel reactions, with sampling & additions possible to individual reaction tubes whilst in operation.

Perhaps you’re keen to find out more about our high-safety PressureSyn single position pressure reactor?  This was developed with experts at the University of Nottingham to prevent users opening the vessel whilst any residual pressure remained – mission accomplished as it is literally impossible to do so!

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements

If you’d like to find out more about any of the apparatus mentioned above, or discuss meeting at the symposium, please do contact us.  You can email [email protected], call on +44 (0)1638 781709, click the LIVE CHAT box at the bottom right of your screen, or complete the short form below.

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