Flipping marvellous scale-up with the right tools for the job!
If your family are anything like mine, then you need to take your chemistry scale-up principals home for any holiday that has a food based celebration!
If your family are anything like mine, then you need to take your chemistry scale-up principals home for any holiday that has a food based celebration!
With an amazing attitude and zest for life that has no comparison, Kerry has spent an awe-inspiring 13 years as part of this close-knit team and we can’t imagine the company without her.
Ffion is a huge asset to our team (and our ongoing sporting and musical education) and takes a really pro-active and enthusiastic approach in all her endeavours. Just don’t say anything bad about Everton F.C.!
Here at Asynt HQ it already feels like 2018 is moving very quickly! There is a lot going on but I wanted to look back at 2017; an important year in Chemistry and for Asynt.
We constantly evaluate our range of products to ensure that we’re offering you the very best solutions for your lab. A huge part of this process is listening to you and doing all we can to incorporate your feedback.
Holiday season behind the scenes at Asynt with the admin team!
Our October newsletter can now be viewed online so click through and see our wicked halloween chemistry special!
Last year for Halloween we took a look at some of the history of Halloween but things have gone a little more gory this year! Find out about the chemistry of blood and see Dr Ffion Abraham’s wicked pumpkin carving!
Our very own, Walter (the water droplet) has been busy! He’s been out on tour, visiting some very special places all around the world to spread the news about water saving tools and practices!
Dr Arran Solomonsz and Dr Ffion Abraham were so pleased to attend the recent Julabo GmbH 50th Anniversary celebrations and had a full tour of how the apparatus is manufactured!