It’s not all about us!

Posted on: October 22, 2014

Charity balls, tea parties, dapper gentlemen on motorbikes and unusual facial hair – what we get up to in the world of fundraising outside of Asynt!

Ethical Sales

Posted on: October 6, 2014

Martyn Fordham talks about some of the ethical considerations in running a company such as Asynt Ltd.

The real Louisa Fordham

Posted on: September 23, 2014

Knee deep in mud and horses, Louisa is at her happiest! See the REAL Louise Fordham in our informal profile series of the Asynt management team!

The real Dr Solomonsz

Posted on: August 27, 2014

Find out about the real Dr Solomonsz – the love of all meat-based food, the ever-so-slightly-competitive nature (!) and distinct singing voice!

Guy Martin engineering feature

Guy Martin – Custom Engineered Solutions

Posted on: August 26, 2014

A solution should be devised to meet your needs, rather than your needs squashed to fit a ready made solution – this is clearly demonstrated by the innovative Guy Martin in the new BBC series, ‘Speed’.

The REAL Dr Kerry Elgie

Posted on: July 28, 2014

There could be just random photos from meetings in lay bys on the motorway to swap demo kit with colleagues, various dodgy musical selections from her teens, reports of coming to the aid of elderly strangers who’s false teeth have rolled under their car, or worse. Find out more about Dr Kerry Elgie!

Summer chemistry PD ID

Safe hydration for a sizzling summer

Posted on: July 23, 2014

I heard about a clever little device recently that I wanted to share which exploits some typical analytical chemistry which could help keep us safely hydrated while we’re out in the sun this summer!

cystic fibrosis image

Changing lives with chemistry

Posted on: July 2, 2014

It quite humbling to consider that much of the equipment and services we have supplied over many years are used by scientists to develop drugs that could potentially make huge differences to individuals’ lives.

Kirsty Waight Operations Manager for Asynt

What lurks in the heart of an Operations Manager

Posted on: June 20, 2014

A look behind the scenes at the Asynt management team – this time, our Operations Manager is in the hot seat. Find out a few of the inherant quirkes the rest of the team have to put up with!