The Swiss are on a roll
Having recently taken a select few distributors under my wing, today I had the opportunity to visit Labo Tech J. Stofer LTS AG, our distributor in Switzerland.
The customer is always right – even when what they want doesn’t yet exist
I had a “Eureka” moment after recalling some inspirational words from Steve Jobs (American entrepreneur and Co-founder of Apple, Inc) many years ago suggesting that “one should look outside of your own industry for ideas”. This proved useful when designing a new product, the Asynt CondenSyn.
And so this is spring. Or is it?
In this blog I explore the ambiguity in the definition of spring and continuous evaporation
English pancakes and stirrer hotplates
Any excuse for nice food in the office – today we celebrate pancake day and put our hotplate stirrer to an alternative use!
Join the Asynt team in Germany!
Join in the whistle-stop tour of our recent visit to Germany, thanks to our gracious hosts at both Huber and IKA!
A friendly face in your country – and coffee!
I may be no Heston but this gave me the idea that maybe we can do more with some of the equipment we have in terms of beverages and food!
Chemistry versus ice
With temperatures outside my home at minus 4 degrees C this morning I was prompted to take a look around the internet and see if there are any simple chemistry tricks for battling the ice.
Blogging chemists and knighthoods
From Martyn Poliakoff’s well deserved knighthood to video blogging on “is marmite an emulsion” – thanks to the world wide web there’s a chemistry blog for everyone!
What we did on our holidays!
Find out who went virtual skydiving and who ate the most over the Christmas holidays!