Stepping into the future
What a year we have had! It’s looking pretty hectic for 2015 in a good way too with much of my time in the last year spent in the development of new products.
What a year we have had! It’s looking pretty hectic for 2015 in a good way too with much of my time in the last year spent in the development of new products.
Despite all the negativity surrounding chemicals in our food, a lot of them are naturally found and give us the opportunity to perform some rather cool chemistry party tricks!
When your MD is a recognised photographer you know you’ll get good product shots, but did anyone warn you about all the trains? Find out about the real Martyn Fordham!
It’s that time of the year when the sales of a certain fruit soar, in preparation for a night of trick-or-treating and bonfires, once the jack-o’-lantern has been carved. Yes, to usher in November, we go crazy for pumpkins in celebration of Halloween. In this post, I discuss the chemistry behind pumpkin flavourings…
Charity balls, tea parties, dapper gentlemen on motorbikes and unusual facial hair – what we get up to in the world of fundraising outside of Asynt!
Martyn Fordham talks about some of the ethical considerations in running a company such as Asynt Ltd.
What constitutes a good scientific poster? The perspective of a chemist and an observer…
Knee deep in mud and horses, Louisa is at her happiest! See the REAL Louise Fordham in our informal profile series of the Asynt management team!
Find out about the real Dr Solomonsz – the love of all meat-based food, the ever-so-slightly-competitive nature (!) and distinct singing voice!
A solution should be devised to meet your needs, rather than your needs squashed to fit a ready made solution – this is clearly demonstrated by the innovative Guy Martin in the new BBC series, ‘Speed’.