The REAL Dr Kerry Elgie

Posted on: July 28, 2014

There could be just random photos from meetings in lay bys on the motorway to swap demo kit with colleagues, various dodgy musical selections from her teens, reports of coming to the aid of elderly strangers who’s false teeth have rolled under their car, or worse. Find out more about Dr Kerry Elgie!

Summer chemistry PD ID

Safe hydration for a sizzling summer

Posted on: July 23, 2014

I heard about a clever little device recently that I wanted to share which exploits some typical analytical chemistry which could help keep us safely hydrated while we’re out in the sun this summer!

cystic fibrosis image

Changing lives with chemistry

Posted on: July 2, 2014

It quite humbling to consider that much of the equipment and services we have supplied over many years are used by scientists to develop drugs that could potentially make huge differences to individuals’ lives.

Kirsty Waight Operations Manager for Asynt

What lurks in the heart of an Operations Manager

Posted on: June 20, 2014

A look behind the scenes at the Asynt management team – this time, our Operations Manager is in the hot seat. Find out a few of the inherant quirkes the rest of the team have to put up with!



Posted on: June 18, 2014

With #RealTimeChem week starting Monday 23rd June, Asynt investigates the Twitter based #RealTimeChem phenomenom that allows chemists to share their work and ideas in a real-time worldwide netw

AstraZeneca and Pfizer takeover

AstraZeneca v Pfizer, and guests for dinner

Posted on: May 13, 2014

Some serious thoughts about this current issue for scientific jobs and research investment in the UK, but first some thinking around who, if you could choose from anyone at all, who you would like to have dinner with!

chemistry of body odours

The chemistry of body odours

Posted on: May 9, 2014

We all know that eating something smelly can have a knock on effect but did you know how chemistry affects body odours?

Churchill College Cambridge

31st SCI Process Development Meeting

Posted on: April 8, 2014

Dr Arran Solomonsz gives his impression of the 31st SCI Process Development Meeting held at Churchill College, Cambridge.