What Does a Jacketed Reactor Do?

Posted on: March 15, 2022

Jacketed reactors provide an excellent means of achieving reliable and consistent results, allowing scientists to scale up their reactions and increase yield from the process materials being utilized. Every good

Rotary evaporators from Asynt

What is a Rotary Evaporator?

Posted on: February 14, 2022

Rotary evaporators (rotovaps) are devices employed for removing solvents efficiently via the process of evaporation. The rotary evaporation process is one of the most widely used methods of solvent evaporation due to its optimal extraction and distillation performance.

Asynt science blog - citizen science and why it should be encouraged

Citizen Science – what is it and why should I care?

Posted on: February 4, 2022

Citizen science is a term you may not previously have been familiar with, but everyone is getting onboard with the more scientific side of life these days. Why is that a good thing though?

Asynt chemistry blog

Out of hours activities – #NationalHedgehogDay

Posted on: February 2, 2022

Everyone at Asynt seems to have a lot of hobbies, but we had to share what Louisa Fordham, Finance Director, has been working on in her out of hours activities over the winter months. If you can’t resist baby animals you’ll need to take a look!

Better air quality, according to NASA!

Posted on: January 4, 2022

I have been known to have an allergic reaction after opening samples of printed merchandise so I’m all for taking a simple step to making our air quality better. I found that, surprisingly, NASA had some helpful advice for us on what we could do!

Asynt review of 2021 and planning for 2022

Planning ahead for 2022 in the laboratory

Posted on: December 15, 2021

With the New Year fast approaching this is a traditional time to look back over the past year but also for planning ahead for 2022 – and there’s an awful lot to look forward to!

solanine and the chemistry of roast potatoes

The chemistry of roast potatoes

Posted on: December 13, 2021

As far as my family are concerned, the crowning glory of any Christmas dinner is the mighty roast potato but how does the chemistry of this festive star affect the outcome of your feast?