Planning ahead for 2022 in the laboratory

With the New Year fast approaching this is a traditional time to look back over the past year but also for planning ahead for 2022 – and there’s an awful lot to look forward to!

So what have we been doing with ourselves in 2021 here at Asynt?

  • In January we launched the Illumin8 – our benchtop scale parallel photoreactor which has proven to be most effective for parallel screening of photon energised chemistries.  You can see a recent white paper published by Liverpool ChiroChem (LCC) titled “Photosynthesis of Chiral Building Blocks for Drug Discovery” after working with the Illumin8 here:
  • In February we made a big step to invest and expand our engineering facilities.  Since then, we’ve instigated advanced practices and equipment to offer an improved service for our customers for both turnkey and bespoke engineered solutions for the lab.  Going into 2022 we are ramping up our capacity for our own product development program as well as being able to offer more custom solutions for our customers.
  • In April we shared an exciting update from Centrale Lille Institute in Lille, France having worked with them to supply custom laboratory pressure reactors to assist them in their development of new advanced catalysts for biomass transformation.  You can read about it here:
  • In June we teamed up with the Maulide Group, University of Vienna, and Green Labs Austria after a local devastating water leak drives their move to improve sustainability – the CondenSyn waterless air condenser saves the day again!
  • In July we started seeing an increase in Flow Chemistry papers published that utilise the extraordinary fReactor platform.  Designed in partnership with the iPRD at the University of Leeds, this modular system is perfect for multiphasic flow & photochemical reactions.  Under constant development, the fReactor is now available in a wide range of sizes, materials, and with photochemistry options to suit your needs.  Here’s one of the papers to start your reading off: A Hybridised Optimisation of an Automated Photochemical Continuous Flow Reactor.
  • August saw the launch of our new parallel laboratory pressure reactor; Quadracell.  This is designed to meet the needs of scientists who are looking to carry out pressurised reactions in small parallel numbers and at a sensible price.
  • In September we announced our new partnership with esteemed manufacturer, LNI Swissgas to ensure our customers always have the supply of laboratory gas they need; our new partnership not only offers a better technical solution but is also backed up by dedicated UK & international service staff.
  • October saw our team face to face in the real world with visitors at the CHEMUK show which took place in Birmingham, UK.  This was a fantastic opportunity to show off our latest innovations and we were joined by our friends at Huber and Vacuubrand when we welcomed you to the stand.  It was wonderful to get your reactions and feedback to the Asynt catalogue so thank you to everyone who came to see us!
  • November and December have been busier than ever; historically this is the month where we’re usually incredibly busy but I don’t think any of us were anticipating the wave of activity this year so thank you!

It’s been so special this year to watch our team develop – each determined to do the best we can for our customers and our colleagues.  We’ve also thoroughly enjoyed helping you achieve incredible things in the laboratory and being a small part of the scientific breakthroughs which are changing people’s lives.  It’s these relationships that we treasure so thank you for putting your faith in us, and in our products.

So what can you look forward to in 2022?

In amongst all of this activity throughout the year, we’ve been planning ahead for 2022 with a range of diverse, innovative and sustainable new laboratory tools in development.  The product development team are always hard at work here at Asynt as we strive to provide the best possible apparatus for your chemistry – they’re paddling away beneath the surface where you can’t see them!  

We can’t tell you too much just yet (or we’ll get told off!), but we can confirm that there’s a new larger-scale solution for waterless condensing on the horizon in addition to new ultra-safe pressure reactor apparatus, new parallel stirring solutions, new Flow Chemistry options, new photochemistry tools and a whole lot more!

We can’t do any of it without YOU though!

Everything we do here at Asynt revolves around you, our customers.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support throughout 2021 and express our gratitude for your willingness to join us in new ways of working and communicating that have proven beneficial for everyone.

In addition to our exciting product development work, part of our planning ahead for 2022 includes creating further accessibility for you to our products and services, more webinars, and increased technical support.  We are about to invest significantly in both facilities and new staff to allow us to support our customers, UK and worldwide, better than ever before.  We’re desperate to tell you all about it but we don’t want to spoil the surprise!  We hope that you’ll join us for the next step in to the future…

Wishing you the merriest of Christmases and a truly happy new year, from the Asynt team.  We’ll see you in 2022!