Chromatography pump evaluation: “I find the Asynt HPLC pump very useful in my research into continuous crystallisation. I use two pumps to propel a segmented flow of alternating crystallisaton solution and immiscible carrier fluid along a length of tubing.
Due to space restriction in the crystalliser design, where the precise location of components is crucial, the small size of the pump is essential. The pump is capable of a wide range of flow rates making it ideal for my research where I am unsure of what range I will need for the variety of systems and configurations I am investigating. A high level of chemical compatibility means that I am not restricted in the solvents I use. The pump exhibits very low pulsation which is effective in minimising any disruption to the progression of the growing crystals along the tubing. Additionally, the low pulsation produces a very regular array of segments enabling a high level of reproducability both within and between each experiment.”
Dr Karen Roberton, University of Bath, UK
Reference: ASY-EV-132