DrySyn Evaluation: “I have had experience using DrySyn blocks as well as other branded heating blocks and I personally, by far, prefer DrySyn. I use heating blocks mainly for complexing metals into the cavity of tetraazamocrocyles. I carry out these reactions with multiple different metal salts which I put on at the same time therefore having the option to run multiple reactions on the same stirrer hotplate is hugely advantageous as it saves me setting up many stirrer hotplates which I have to do when using alternative heating blocks. The design of DrySyn base plates means that there a lot more options for a reaction set-up as many of the different sized blocks fit in the basic base plate which means a lot less messing around and less time wasted! Furthermore, the design of DrySyn blocks ensures that round bottom flasks aren’t sheared in half on cooling.”
Kate Nicholson, Hull University (UK)
Reference: ASY-EV-129