The RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium 2023 is taking place from 26th to 27th January at the Royal Academy of Arts, London (UK).
This annual flagship event of the RSC CNN special interest group is described by the organisers as covering:
“…recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials with the aim to provide a forum of nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information, discuss challenges, and to build networks.”
What will the RSC CNN symposium consist of?
There will be plenary lectures, invited talks, contributed presentations and poster sessions covering a wide range of topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology at the RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium 2023.
Nanoscience is at the core of many emerging technologies for energy, environmental and health care applications with examples including thermal catalysis, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, solar fuels, batteries, photovoltaics, fuel cells, sensors, biomaterials, and targeted drug delivery.
Professor Eleanor Campbell – University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Professor Guosheng Shao – Director of Zhengzhou Materials Genome Institute, Zhengzhou, China
Dr Naved Malek – S.V. National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), India
Dr Gemma Louise Davis – University College London, United Kingdom
Professor Maria Moros – Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón(INMA), Spain
Dr Gareth Cave – Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Dr Yunlong Zhao – University of Surrey, United Kingdom
You can see full details via the event website HERE.
Come and say hello to us!
We are pleased to confirm that Asynt will be exhibiting at this highly esteemed event so if you’re attending, please do come and say hello to Dr Arran Solomonsz who will be representing us here.
Arran will have some great examples of key laboratory apparatus on hand for you to take a closer look at, and to chat about. These include our LightSyn and fReactor photochemistry solutions:
![]() fReactor PhotoFLOWPhotochemistry in Flow Chemistry |
We’ll also have examples of our DrySyn oil-free heating and cooling block platform and the CondenSyn waterless air condensers available for you to look at. These can make a huge difference to how you work in your lab; providing safe, clean options for benchtop synthesis – and dramatically reduce your impact on the environment.
If you’re interested in finding out more about photochemistry in Flow Chemistry you may find our on-demand webinar useful, below:
If you’d like to speak with us prior to the event, or arrange a meeting with Arran, then please don’t hesitate to reach out! Email [email protected], call us on +44 (0)1638 781709, use the form below, or the LIVE CHAT box to the bottom right of your screen – we’re here for you however you want to get in touch!
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