We are pleased to share our newsletter for June 2020!
Packed full of news, and some fun stuff, it’s definitely worth a read. We hope you enjoy it!
Read online without registering here: https://mailchi.mp/asynt/june-2020-newsletter
This month’s articles include:
- Nitrogen joins the dark side: New blog from Dr Arran Solomonsz
- DrySyn Vortex: Three stirred reactions in parallel with only one overhead stirrer!
- Safest way to heat & stir your reactions: Martyn Fordham talks us through the safety features of the Asynt complete magnetic hotplate stirrer kit
- Welcome to the Asynt family: We introduce the new Asynt distribution partner.
- You can take the chemist out of the lab… New blog from Dr Mike Kenny on lockdown “chemistry” in his kitchen!
If you’d like to register to receive our newsletter by email direct to your inbox then you can do so via our website here: https://www.asynt.com/newsletter/
We will never spam you, and you can choose precisely what you’d like to receive!
Thanks for reading!