New video: DrySyn adjustable feet

Posted on: September 18, 2020

The ultimate in flexibility; every DrySyn base can be fitted to any stirrer hotplate!  Martyn Fordham talks us through the system in our new video.

Asynt newsletter August 2020

Posted on: August 25, 2020

Loads of interesting things this month; some fun stuff, some great chemistry reads, and some huge news from our Managing Director, Martyn Fordham.

Chemistry in your cupboard

Posted on: August 25, 2020

YouTube has changed the way we look at things.  There seems to be a tutorial for literally anything you can think of, with people sharing their passion and knowledge for subjects with joy! The RSC has set up a series of tutorials for youngsters that offer fantastic entertainment and education opportunities!

Martyn Fordham video announcing new building and company expansion

Breaking news: Asynt expanding!

Posted on: August 18, 2020

Martyn Fordham shares some exciting news which will have a huge impact on the future for Asynt!

introduction to online conferencing and demonstrations from the Asynt team

Here when you need us!

Posted on: July 30, 2020

Today Martyn talks a bit more about how Asynt has adapted during the recent pandemic and how we have kept in regular contact with our customers during lockdown.

Asynt monthly newsletter July 2020

Asynt newsletter July 2020

Posted on: July 27, 2020

We are pleased to share our newsletter for July 2020!

Packed full of news, and some fun stuff, it’s definitely worth a read.  We hope you enjoy it!

Life behind the Zoom faces!

Posted on: July 23, 2020

The Asynt team have been all over the world – virtually – via Teams and Zoom but what have they been up to when you weren’t looking? Here’s a sneaky peek at just some of the team and their “lockdown hobbies”!

The irresistible smell of rain!

Posted on: July 21, 2020

There’s an amazing smell in the air after heavy rain in summer – and even a recognisable scent when a big storm is brewing.  These smells can mostly be attributed to three major compounds.

Asynt monthly newsletter June 2020

Asynt newsletter June 2020

Posted on: June 29, 2020

We are pleased to share our newsletter for June 2020! Packed full of news, and some fun stuff, it’s definitely worth a read.  We hope you enjoy it!