Strategic Testing of Your Novel Solution
It is of course essential that any product released to market has been through strategic testing to ensure it meets a range of criteria; the product must be fit for purpose and work as intended, it must be safe to use, and it must be suitable for users to set up themselves. Additionally, any legal requirements or safety codes must always be adhered to.
Through comprehensive testing and design developments we can ensure that these criteria are all met but most products go through several stages where prototypes are trialled prior to a final design specification being agreed upon.
Asynt can work with you through this strategic testing to ensure full safety and legal compliance, and that the best possible performance of the new apparatus is achieved prior to release. It’s often found through this process that the technology can be utilised in different ways, or alternative materials allow greater functionality such as increased temperature range or chemical resistance so it’s an essential part of the “Asyntise” process!
Our experts will liaise with you in the design of any product to ensure that comprehensive testing is carried out to ensure that it is both safe and effective for the general public upon release.
With our access to state of the art manufacturing techniques and experts in many fields we can support you in your efforts to commercialise your ideas.
UK / Europe / Global Delivery
Developed in collaboration with our clients / Bespoke design service
Committed to developing sustainable & practical improvements for scientists worldwide

Martyn Fordham, MD