Commercialise Your Ideas
“Asyntise” is where we work closely with scientists to create exciting new products which meet a previously unfulfilled requirement. In situations where these requirements could appeal to more people, we can work with you to commercialise your ideas and produce a viable finished product that is ready to launch to the mass market.
Many of our developments are focused in the research chemistry sector with our work backed by a team of scientists and engineers with many years of knowledge and experience in a range of fields. We can either guide you or assist with the manufacturing of prototypes, with testing and data accumulation, and the very involved process of manufacturing the final product, designing and producing packaging and associated product literature before marketing through our wide network of customers and distribution partners.
Use our know-how and resources to get your ideas for novel new tools through rigorous testing to ensure safe and effective solutions can be released to the world. Find out more about how we can commercialise your ideas…