Search Results for: parallel synthesis

chemically induced halloween Asynt blog image

Chemically-induced Halloween

…Technologists). The large-scale synthesis of analogues to produce molecules virtually identical in flavour is a more attractive solution. The abundance of flavour compounds in natural spices is far be…


N2 bubblers from Asynt

Gas Bubblers Ensure Maintenance of Inert Reaction Atmospheres

…cations knowledge to provide a high level of customer support for its DrySyn Heating Blocks, Controlled Laboratory Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacu…


FlowSyn application note 28

DABAL-Me3: A safer alternative to trimethylaluminium for amide bond formation

…thetic transformation in organic synthesis of particular relevance to the pharmaceutical industry. There is always a need and interest in new methods to make amides. DABAL-Me3 is a white solid which is…


Asynt ReactoMate jacketed vacuum reactor system

Higher Performance from Vacuum Jacketed Reactor System

…Blocks, Controlled Lab Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Laboratory Safety Equipment. DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THIS PRESS RELEASE HERE: PR 31 H…


Exploration by organic chemists at the University of York in to the chemistry of hit series Breaking Bad

Breaking bad – addicted to chemistry

…cular, they discuss the chemical synthesis of methamphetamine (crystal meth) and consider whether ‘Heisenberg’s’ blue crystal really is the purest most active form of the drug. We couldn’t resist shari…


Ground breaking research at Monash University using the DrySyn system

…assembly. Download the press release: PR 30 Precise High Temperature Synthesis Advances Nanomaterial Research…


Research from Korea extracting Co2 from exhaust fumes

Carbon dioxide from exhaust fumes used to make new chemicals

…has previously been used in the synthesis of carboxylic acids by using diethylzinc as one of the drivers of the reaction. But diethylzinc is flammable in air. Using the reaction Beller can make chemic…


CondenSyn and Distillation adapter evaluation from Thomas Rotherham College UK

CondenSyn®: Innovative UK Sixth Form College breaks barriers between science in further education and in industry

…/ Thomas Rotherham College is the largest provider of A Level courses in their area, with a wide additional range of vocational…


Teaching labs at the College of the Sequoias change to CondenSyn to reduce water use after prolonged drought-like conditions in the USA

Teaching labs make proactive changes to decrease water consumption

…, or in the USA contact Quark Glass on 800 955 0376 / [email protected]. For other countries, please see our full distributo…


ACS Spring 2024 - join Asynt Inc at the expo

Asynt Inc. at ACS Spring 2024 New Orleans

…chemistry apparatus and benchtop synthesis equipment; a range able to cater to a huge variety of laboratories. Attending this exhibition represents an exciting step in expanding Asynt Inc. operations a…
