Search Results for: parallel synthesis

Dr Josh Small with Asynt - Stand K80 at CHEMUK on 15th May 2024

A baking chemist, close encounters of three reaction kinds, & sustainable laboratory solutions for everyone…

…ng new possibilities in chemical synthesis.” Make a note in your diary: Thursday 16th May, on Stage 5 (in the Lab Zone) from 10.30 to 10.50 am. Beyond Baking: A Glimpse into Chemical Biology Dr. Smalle…


Jacketed Reactor Jacketed Glass Reactor Blog

A Guide to Jacketed Reactor Vessels

…teries, pharmaceutical research, synthesis scale up and much more besides. The ReactoMate DATUM (left) and ATOM (right) accommodate a range of vessel sizes and accessories Lids – as important as the ve…


How to choose your first flow chemistry set up

How to choose your first flow chemistry set up

…loy base Uses of flow chemistry: Synthesis of pharmaceuticals: The scalability of flow chemistry helps ensure consistent product quality as you scale up, helping ease the transition from frug discovery…


Asynt acquires Uniqsis

Asynt acquires Uniqsis: A fresh outlook in chemistry technologies

…paratus, Photochemistry systems, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Temperature Control Systems, oil-free DrySyn heating blocks, CondenSyn waterless air condensers, turn-key and bespoke Lab Reactors for sca…


Who needs Harry Potter when you've got chemists!

Who needs Harry Potter when you’ve got chemists?

…tools we advise our customers on; the pumps, the chillers, the rotary evaporators, the DrySyn used for synthesis, and wonder if just one of these things I’m processing orders for will help save my lif…


giveaway from CHEMUK 2022 expo

Who won our giveaway from CHEMUK 2022 expo?

…ky winner, Carl Turner of Colour Synthesis Solutions is pictured below, enjoying his prize in the sunshine! Thanks so much for the photo, Carl! We are incredibly grateful for all of our customers thoug…


Nottingham Analytical - powered by Asynt for analytical chemistry

Unlocking the Power of Analytical Chemistry: Asynt and Nottingham Analytical Join Forces

…ance lab reactors to sustainable synthesis solutions. But having the right equipment is just one piece of the puzzle. Analytical chemistry is the bridge that transforms raw experimental data into meani…


Donal O'Sullivan - Lab Unlimited.

Donal O’Sullivan, Director of Sales

…e excited to be working with Asynt and their innovative team to facilitate safety and environmental responsibility in Chemical Synthesis from bench to pilot scale. Further developments in Flow, Photo a…


Synthesis of squaric acid monoamides as building blocks for drug discovery

…se they are leading suppliers of parallel synthesis equipment and chemical building blocks respectively. The Asynt equipment was user-friendly and helped enable us to maximise our output, while our two…


Parallel high pressure reactor optimised for sampling

…oducible kinetics experiments in parallel to rapidly determine the kinetic parameters of their catalysts. Their goal was to be able to conduct many hydrogenation reactions at once, with rigorous contro…
