Search Results for: parallel synthesis

How could the DrySyn reactors work for you?

…chemistry-workflow-benefits-from-parallel-synthesiser/ The OCTO MINI allows safe and easy sampling with disposable needles and is available as a stand-alone kit or should you wish to, you could purchas…


How Modularity Enables LED Photoreactor Applicability

…could enhance your photochemical synthesis, whether at the laboratory or the industrial scale. References and Further Reading Esser, P., Pohlmann, B., & Scharf, H. ‐D. (1994). The Photochemical Synthes…


DrySyn 48 hour special offer

…clamp allowing you larger scale parallel synthesis on a standard hotplate stirrer for not a lot of money and saving £505.00. See info on this unit HERE HOWEVER as with previous super special offers fr…


High temperature parallel DrySyn adapter

Performing Parallel Chemical Reactions at Over 400°C

…y undertaking novel nanoparticle synthesis reactions in parallel that require solution temperatures of up to and over 400oC. Most standard lab hotplate stirrers have a maximum ‘plate’ temperature of ar…


Photocatalysis blog banner. Applications of photocatalysis

What are the applications of photocatalysis?

…light rod inside the 18 mL vial Parallel reactor: Parallel reactors are designed to enable users to run multiple reactions simultaneously. These reactors are suited to high-throughput screening and ot…


Practical applications of photocatalysis - Asynt blog

Practical Applications of Photocatalysis

…es of molecules. Artificial Photosynthesis and Chemical Fuel Production: The technique has been applied in the development of artificial photosynthesis systems and the creation of chemical fuels, such…


What is a Schlenk line and how do I use it?

What is a Schlenk Line – plus the Schlenk Line Survival Guide

…thesis Workshop website: Synthesis Workshop is an open access video podcast exploring the field of organic synthesis. Through four complementary modules – Total Synthesi…


Asynt review of 2021 and planning for 2022

Planning ahead for 2022 in the laboratory

…ool ChiroChem (LCC) titled “Photosynthesis of Chiral Building Blocks for Drug Discovery” after working with the Illumin8 here:…


Extremely Flexible Device for High Pressure Parallel Chemistry

…be used to screen 4, 6, 8 or 10 parallel reactions. A choice of cell size allows the user to perform reactions in parallel with volumes ranging from 30 to 100ml, at pressures of up to 100 bar and temp…


Behind the flask: research into anti-tuberculosis agents

…harmacological properties of the synthesised compounds. In the research described in the paper for example, we have been able to not only synthesise a range of novel quinoxaline-alkynyl derivatives but…
