Search Results for: parallel synthesis

New Options Increase Versatility of High Pressure Parallel Reactor

…ndertake 10 x 30 ml reactions in parallel at pressures of up to 50 bar and temperatures up to 200°C. In response to customer requests – Asynt has developed a range of new features and options for the M…


Secure Clamping of Parallel Chemistry Apparatus

…esigned for chemists undertaking parallel syntheses the Asynt DrySyn 3-Position Clamp enables secure clamping of up to three round bottom flasks or condensers to a standard boss head. With three sizes…


DrySyn Spiral Evaporator

Parallel Evaporation in Heating Blocks

…g blocks to perform syntheses in parallel in flasks, tubes and vials. Combining this proven high performance labware with patented spiral plug evaporation technology from Biochromato – the DrySyn Spira…


Asynt newsletter June 2021

Asynt newsletter June 2021: jam packed with great chemistry!

…tes capabilities of the Illumin8 parallel photoreactor Maximise your stirring: How effective is the stirring with up to 27 parallel reactions on one hotplate? Dr Mike takes us through the options in ou…


Asynt April 2022 newsletter

Asynt April 2022 Newsletter – full of tasty chemistry!

…e at a time? You need the DrySyn Parallel Synthesis Kit The lean, green, profitability machine: We join Gambica at CHEMUK and explain why going green in the lab means more green in the bank! New lab of…


World Environment Day 2021 Asynt sustainable labs giveaway

World Environment Day 2021 Giveaway

…red in seconds to suit single or parallel synthesis. Swap out your water condensers: it’s staggering to find out that that just one little water condenser, such as a Leibig condenser, running for six h…


The Kitchen Videos!

…ing particularly on carrying out parallel synthesis in round bottom flasks with the DrySyn MULTI-M. Watch below or click through to our YouTube channel for more useful & informative videos! If you’d li…


DrySyn Spiral Evaporator evaluation from the Cresswell Group, University of Bath

Streamlining Synthetic Organic Methods Development

…orator offers fast and effective parallel evaporation in tubes or vials without solvent bumping thereby eliminating sample cross contamination. Other advantages of the DrySyn Spiral Evaporator include…


DrySyn Evaluation: Dr Emma Welsh, The Institute of Cancer Research

DrySyn Evaluation: DrySyn parallel synthesis kit: “We changed from conventional oil baths to DrySyn heating blocks to eliminate oil spills and grease on the flasks. The great thing is being able to ru…


New special offers!

…to you! This includes the DrySyn Parallel Synthesis Kit – which is available with an additional set of reaction vial inserts for only £500 net – see details HERE The Vacuubrand BioChem Vacuum Centre –…
