The chemistry of strawberries
…arry on developing fantastic new products like the DrySyn OCTO parallel reaction station!…
…arry on developing fantastic new products like the DrySyn OCTO parallel reaction station!…
…NEW DrySyn OCTO; the 8 position parallel synthesizer just launched! This event celebrates the success of ongoing research conducted by postgraduate researchers in the School of Chemistry at the Univer…
…e of pressure vessels (single or parallel, high or low pressure, low or high temperature!), with fabulous safety features, that make working under pressure a lot less stressful than back in 1679! (sour…
…nd run two soxhlet condensers in parallel. This is a remarkable apparatus and the only circulator that generated enough pressure to cool down two condensers efficiently. Julabo FL300 is fast and cools…
…ut our DrySyn SnowStorm range of cooling/heating blocks: DrySyn SnowStorm for PARALLEL reactions DrySyn SnowStorm for SINGLE reactions…
…nded use when heating or cooling parallel stirred or blended reactions. With three different systems available to suit your needs, and a history of outstanding performance, why clog your fume hood up w…
…Ely, a nearby town, cruising in parallel with our daughter on her little narrowboat to spend New Years Eve there and then cook a huge breakfast for everyone on New Years Day. The weather wasn’t fantas…
…hich offer solutions for single, parallel or covered cooled reactions in the SnowStorm Reactor? We have excellent feedback on these kits which are proving incredibly popular with many customers returni…
…rs from 2012) There will be four parallel sessions held over a full day, covering all aspects of chemistry: Education & Outreach, Organic & Biochemistry, Physical & Analytical and Inorganic & Materials…
…further information HERE! LightSyn Lighthouse Batch photoreactor Read more… LightSyn Illumin8 Parallel photoreactor Read more… fReactor PhotoFLOW Photochemistry in Flow Read more… …