Unlocking the Power of Flow Chemistry Using CSTRs
At the heart of the Flow Chemistry revolution are advanced instruments like the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Want to know more about them?
At the heart of the Flow Chemistry revolution are advanced instruments like the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Want to know more about them?
Flow chemistry swaps flasks for fluidics: replacing the tools of conventional “batch” processing with flow chemistry equipment that handles continuous streams of reactants and products. Carrying out a lab-scale synthesis
AM Technology Ltd (Runcorn, UK) explain why they’re integrating the ReactoMate ATOM lab reactor support stands into their Coflore® flow chemistry systems.
We are pleased to share a new flow chemistry paper from the University of Leeds that Professor John Blacker has worked on with his undergraduates to demonstrate a multiphasic reaction.
Asynt announces their exciting new flow-chemistry platform, the fReactor, an affordable device created to bring the many advantages of flow chemistry to your laboratory through easy-to-use, flexible and intuitive design.
Asynt reports on its collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, University of Bath (UK) in the development of a novel mesoscale segmented flow reactor with information from Dr Karen Robertson.
We are pleased to share a new Flow Chemistry publication: #29: “Pyrazole Formation using a 2 Step Reaction in Flow” from the chemists at GalChimia.
A low temperature reactor platform that facilitates metalation followed by electrophilic quenching, and related reactions under continuous flow-through conditions has been developed using FlowSyn
A collaboration between Prof. Simon Woodward and Darren Lee (Nottingham University) and Uniqsis (www.uniqsis.com)
Paul Pergande from Uniqsis (home of the FlowSyn system) recently carried out an in-depth Flow Chemistry training workshop at Radboud University Nijmegen